Supporting elective recovery through digital 
Supporting Elective Recovery through Digital 

The government has set ambitious targets aimed at eliminating waits longer than a year for elective care by March 2025. In addition, the NHS aims to increase elective activity by approximately 30% compared to pre-pandemic levels, thereby improving patient access to timely care.

Digital initiatives are essential in achieving these objectives. The NHS is actively leveraging technology to streamline operations, improve patient pathways, and manage waiting lists more effectively. Increasing capacity through virtual consultations and follow-up appointments, alongside optimising diagnostic testing and supporting patients in their preparation for surgery, are key strategies to ensure that patients receive the care they need as swiftly as possible.

This award recognises teams who are developing and leveraging digital to reduce the elective backlog. Judges are looking for digital projects, solutions and services that are driving tangible improvements in patient waiting times, experience, and outcomes, and that display solid evidence of co-production with clinical colleagues.


  • All NHS organisations (including providers, partnerships, and systems), General Practice and primary care organisations, as well as relevant social care partners.
  • Evidence must relate to a project, ongoing or completed within the 2 years up until the award entry deadline.


  • Provide a clear rationale for the digital project, product or service and the context in which this was required – what were the project aims, and what strategic thinking was done before bringing technology to the table?
  • Define the intended measures of success and the steps put in place to achieve them.
  • Discuss how the risks of exclusion or exacerbating inequalities were considered in the design and development of the project, product or service, and mitigations were put in place.


  • Describe how the project, product or service was seamlessly developed and deployed whilst retaining any existing services to minimise disruption to patients and staff.
  • Provide qualitative and quantitative evidence of reduced wait times for patients, improved experience and/or improved outcomes as a result of the digital project, product or service.
  • Share any financial impacts of implementation, including evidence relating to value for money and/or efficiencies realised by the project, product or service.


  • Discuss how this digital project has provided a boost to elective recovery and restoring services across the system, and how it will achieve lasting impact.
  • Evidence how the patient and staff experience has improved as a result of the new digital project, product or service.
  • Share any other value generated, including unintended benefits, of the digital project.


  • Describe and provide testimonial evidence of the working relationship between the technology partner (if relevant) and the NHS organisation that enabled a genuinely co-produced product or service.
  • Share how all relevant staff and clinicians were engaged in the design and implementation of the project, product or service.
  • Explain how patients, families and the community were involved in the design, planning and implementation of this project, product or service.


  • Describe and if possible evidence how the learnings from the project or product/service development have been shared across and beyond your organisation or system.
  • Discuss the scope for further replication or scaling up of this project, product or service in other settings.

To find out more

Partnership opportunities:  Sponsorship Sales Team
Awards entry enquiries: Delegate Sales Team
Judging and event management: Awards Support