Click on the tabs below to reveal the winning NHS teams and projects per category.
- Connecting Health and Social Care through Digital

WINNER: NECS (North of England Care System Support) - OPTICA - Optimising hospital discharge and improving patient outcomes by enabling Health and Social Care teams to securely collaborate over one digital source of patient information
View winner's interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Digital Transformation NHS England (London Region) and OneLondon - Connecting care homes to the London Care Record
- Great North Care Record - Bringing together the North East and North Cumbria's health and social care
- Hertfordshire & West Essex ICS - The Hertfordshire and West Essex Shared Care Record enabled by 'My Care Record': a regional, collaborative approach to improving care by joining up information
- Lancashire & South Cumbria ICB - NHS Careers Northwest Website & ASPIRE E-Learning
- Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland ICB on behalf of LLR ICS - Releasing capacity for care: The Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) Care Record.
- Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland ICS - Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Connected Care Programme
- NHS England North West Widening Participation, Careers & Apprenticeship Team and Lancashire & South Cumbria ICB - Creating Careers A Step Ahead
- NHS South, Central and West, Bristol City Council, North Somerset Council, South Gloucestershire Council, NHS Bristol and North Somerset & South Gloucestershire ICB - Sharing information to underpin and support safeguarding and improve care for adults and children receiving Social Care Services
- Digital Clinical Safety Award

WINNER: Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust - A Cultural Shift and Collaborative Approach in Digital Innovation
View winner's interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Yorkshire & Humber Care Record - Championing Clinical Risk Management and Safety Culture: Integration into Regional Shared Care Records Across Yorkshire and Humber
- Bolton FT - Increasing clinical safety using Bolton Enhanced Care Digital Pathway
- Cardiff and Vale UHB - Improving Patient Safety in Adrenal Insufficiency- using proprietary digital software (Device Link)
- DHU Healthcare - Protecting and enhancing safety; a partnership offering better quality care through instant differentiation of the sickest patients with 'eTriage' at Loughborough UTC
- North and West Northamptonshire and Northamptonshire Healthcare FT - Integrated Falls Project Across Northamptonshire
- Northumbria Healthcare FT - Developing a digital clinical safety ecosystem in a best of breed organisation
- Sussex Community FT - SCFT Digital Clinical Safety - Keeping digital safe and brave
- The Royal Wolverhampton Hospital Trust - A Digital Clinical Safety System Model
- Digital Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Award

WINNER: Children and Young People's North East and North Cumbria Diabetes Network - Ensuring equitable access to diabetes technologies for children and young people with diabetes across the North East and North Cumbria
View winner's interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: NHS Cheshire and Merseyside - Supporting digital inclusion in Cheshire and Merseyside
- Black Country ICB - Black Country Connected -For a Healthier Future
- Cambridgeshire Community Services Trust - Demographic Data Capture Template - SystmOne
- Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance - Workforce and Education Team - Greater Manchester Cancer Academy: Empowering Conversations and Inclusive Terminology
- Isle of Wight Trust - Promoting digital inclusion in mental health services
- Digital Innovator of the Year

WINNER: Dr Ingrid Britton - NHS England Midlands
View winner's interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Dr Matthew Dolman - NHS Somerset
- Caroline McCallum - Homerton Healthcare FT and Verbo
- Konstantinos Balaskas - Moorfields Eye Hospital FT and UCL Institute of Ophthalmology
- Mr David Duffy - Harrogate & District FT
- Rotherham FT - Transforming Diagnostic Booking at Rotherham FT
- Royal Cornwall Hospital - Implementing Teledermatology for Suspected Cancer Patients in Cornwall
- Southern Health FT - VIREN - Virtual Reality Enhancing Nursing
- Digital Leader of the Year

WINNER: Ayub Bhayat - NHS England
View winner's interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Richard Leonard - Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- Christina Sothinathan - CW Innovation, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital FT and St George’s University Hospitals FT
- Laura Godtschalk - Leicestershire Partnership Trust
- Richard Cox - Manchester University FT
- Digital Literacy, Education and Upskilling Award

WINNER: Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust - Data Bytes - Improving Data Literacy for All
View winner's interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: The Royal College of Pathologists - The Pathology Portal
- Barts Health Trust - Deteriorating Patient App initiative
- Black Country ICB - Black Country Connected -For a Healthier Future
- Calderdale and Huddersfield FT - Calderdale and Huddersfield Digital Nurse Placements
- DigitalHealth.London and South West London ICS - South West London Digital Pioneer Fellowship
- Midlands Partnership University FT - Digital Angels
- NHS England - National Competency Framework for Data Professionals
- Sussex Community FT - Sussex Health and Care Innovation Lab
- Digital Organisation of the Year

WINNER: Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust - Sussex Community FT - A Digital Leader
View winner's interview here
- Integrated Care Northamptonshire - Zeros to Heroes
- Midlands Partnership University FT - From reactive chaos to successful delivery of our co-produced MPFT Digital Transformation Strategy
- North West Ambulance Service - North West Ambulance Service 111
- North West London Pathology - Creating a unified pathology service through digital transformation
- Northumbria Healthcare FT - Reach for the sky – developing a cloud first digital patient record in the NHS for the NHS
- University Hospitals Birmingham FT - UHB EHR and Clinical Systems rollout to Heartlands, Good Hope and Solihull Hospitals
- Digital Team of the Year

WINNER: Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust - The Hive EPR Programme Team
View winner's interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Integrated Care Northamptonshire - ICS Digital Team
- Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland ICB on behalf of LLR ICS - The Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) Care Record Programme Team
- Midlands Partnership University FT - From reactive chaos to successful delivery of our co-produced MPFT Digital Transformation Strategy
- South London and Maudsley FT & King's College London - CAMHS Digital Lab
- University Hospitals Birmingham FT - UHB Digital Health Team
- University Hospitals Bristol and Weston FT - A new model for digitising outpatient services at scale and at pace
- University Hospitals North Midlands and other Trusts, University of Derby and other Universities, NHS England and Sim4Med - Midlands Imaging Training Academy (MITA)
- York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals FT - Nucleus - bringing digital workflow to nursing, releasing time to patient care and #getnurseshomeontime
- Driving Change through AI and Automation Award

WINNER: Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust - Children and Young Peoples Therapies Service – Digital Referral in and Automation to SystmOne.
View winner's interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust & Ufonia Limited - Optimising a high-volume cataract pathway with an artificial intelligence autonomous clinical assistant
- Barts Health Trust - TREAT - (Treatment plan Recognition and Extraction through Advanced Text-mining)
- Chelsea And Westminster FT - Implementing Automated AI-driven Dora Phone Calls to Patients Across the Cataract Surgery Pathway
- Royal Free London FT - Implementation of an Automated Heart Failure Referral via Raised NTproBNP
- NHS Somerset, NHS England South West and Axbridge Medical Practice - A BRAVE conversation
- Sheffield Teaching Hospitals FT - Trial Tracker
- Shropshire Community Health Trust - Automating pathways using an AI-driven Assistant
- Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh FT - Artificial Intelligence Supporting Diagnosis and Care Pathways for Upper and Lower Limb Fracture Detection
- Driving Change through Data and Analytics Award

WINNER: East London NHS Foundation Trust - Bringing integrated analytics into the hands of clinicians
View winner's interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Somerset NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with Predictive Health Intelligence Ltd. - Somerset Liver Improvement Project
- Lincolnshire ICB - Lincolnshire Living with Cancer Programme
- NHS Blood and Transplant - QS138 Quality Insights: An automated quality improvement national blood transfusion audit tool
- NHS England - Federated Data Platform (FDP) Programme
- NECS (North of England Care System Support) - OPTICA - Enabling Health and Social Care teams to collaborate and make informed decisions to improve patient flow, based on contemporaneous data and rich analysis
- The Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust - Improving the visibility of analytics for our clinicians
- University College London Hospitals FT - Improving patient flow with high-quality real-time data, virtual flow huddles and predictive analytics
- University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire Trust - Optimising out patient performance
- Empowering Patients through Digital

WINNER: University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire - Gro Health W8Buddy in Specialist Weight Management
View winner's interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital - Telehealth in Cardiac Surgery
- City & Hackney Psychological Therapies and Wellbeing Alliance - Self-managing my mental health and wellbeing on my smartphone
- Cumbria Health - Health@Home
- Leicestershire Partnership Trust - Enhancing access to health visiting services for parents and carers through ChatHealth messaging
- Lingwell Croft Surgery - Empowering patients through telephone speech recognition technology
- Sussex Health and Care ICS - My Health and Care Record
- Rotherham, Doncaster & South Humber FT - Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber FT eClinics
- University Hospitals of Northamptonshire - University Hospitals of Northamptonshire and Islacare: Pioneering Healthcare Transformation through Digital Excellence
- Enhancing Workforce Engagement, Productivity and Wellbeing through Digital

WINNER: University Hospitals North Midlands and other Trusts, University of Derby and other Universities, NHS England and Sim4Med - Midlands Imaging Training Academy (MITA)
View winner's interview here
- Cheshire and Wirral Partnership Trust - Improving staff confidence, knowledge and attitudes working with complex emotional and relational needs through digital training
- Hounslow Borough Based Partnership - Creating an engaged and informed Health and Care Workforce through a Partnership Website and Digital Resource Centre
- University Hospitals of Leicester Trust - Streamlining workforce management: UHL's digital transformation journey with Locum’s Nest
- Modality Partnership - Making a Real Positive Difference!
- NHS England - Bwell
- Northumbria FT - Establishing Team-Based Rostering in our Emergency Department
- York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals FT - Nucleus - bringing digital workflow to nursing, releasing time to patient care and #getnurseshomeontime
- Generating Impact in Population Health through Digital

WINNER: NHS Black Country ICB and Walsall Together - Black Country Population Outcomes Framework
View winner's interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Somerset NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with Predictive Health Intelligence Ltd. - Somerset Liver Improvement Project
- Arden & GEM CSU, NHS Bedfordshire and Luton & Milton Keynes ICB - Supporting better proactive diabetes management in BLMK through an early warning system
- Barts Health Trust - Impacting Population Health through Digital Reporting Platforms
- Leicestershire Partnership Trust - Enhancing access to health visiting services for parents and carers through ChatHealth messaging
- North East and North Cumbria ICS, Health Innovation Network NENC, West Yorkshire ICS, Health Innovation Network York & Humber and PocDoc - Attacking the “prevention gap” - Scaling up CVD screening in secondary and primary prevention in the North using innovative digital pathways
- One Wirral CIC - Diabetes Prehabilitation Service
- Yorkshire Ambulance Service - Ambulance and Integrated Urgent Care - Place Based Populational Health Management Analytics Tool
- Improving Back-Office Efficiencies through Digital

WINNER: Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust and Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in collaboration with NHS Shared Business Services - NHS Automation: Harnessing RPA, Powering Positive Change
View winner's interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - Stroke Trial Tracker
- Bolton FT - Using e-rostering to drive down wait lists
- FutureNHS - Spreading secure collaboration across organisational borders in health and care
- Midlands Partnership University FT - Enhancing Back-Office Processes Through Advanced Automation
- Midlands Partnership University FT - Staffordshire Community Dental Services - Digitisation
- NHS England and Accelerated Access Collaborative and BJSS - NHS Innovation Service
- Provide Digital - eQuals
- Provide Digital - ImpactEQ
- Improving Medicines Management and Pharmacy through Digital

WINNER: South London and Maudsley NHS Trust - electronic Prescribing and Medicine Administration (ePMA)
View winner's interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: North East London NHS Foundation Trust - Pharmacy Operational Dashboard
- Birmingham Women's and Children's FT, West Midlands Regional Genetics Laboratory and Forward Thinking Birmingham - iPILOT - Overcoming barriers to implementation of pharmacogenomics end to end service, within the mental health clinical pathway, supporting medicines optimisation
- Calderdale and Huddersfield FT - Controlled Drug Register Project
- Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB - Digital Medication Management - Improving Patient Adherence
- NHS Greater Manchester, Health Innovation Manchester and University of Manchester - Scaling a local Safety Medication Dashboard (SMASH) programme to benefit the 3.2 million population of Greater Manchester
- Oxleas FT - eMeds Inpatients
- Royal Free London FT - Streamlining rifaximin access: a digital innovation for improved medication access and cost efficiency
- Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust - The POWER tool - Pharmacy Optimisation of Workforce Efficiency in Real-time
- Improving Mental Health through Digital

WINNER: Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust, West Midlands Regional Genetics Laboratory and Forward Thinking Birmingham- iPILOT - Overcoming barriers to implementation of pharmacogenomics end to end service, within the mental health clinical pathway, supporting medicines optimisation
View winner's interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust - Tipping the balance
- Central and North West London FT - Data Driven Insights in Community Mental Health Services
- City & Hackney Psychological Therapies and Wellbeing Alliance - Self-managing my mental health and wellbeing on my smartphone
- Hertfordshire Partnership University FT and Psyomics - Digital Initial Assessments (Censeo)
- Midlands Partnership University FT - Transforming Mental Health Care through Electronic Prescribing Service
- NHS Informatics Merseyside and Mersey Care FT - What3words in a crisis
- Norfolk and Suffolk FT & Norfolk and Waveney ICB - The Better Sleep Programme
- South London and Maudsley FT & King's College London - myHealthE
- Improving Out of Hospital Care through Digital

WINNER: Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust - CUH Virtual Ward at home, a whole hospital approach
View winner's interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Royal Cornwall Hospital NHS Trust - Implementing Teledermatology for Suspected Cancer Patients in Cornwall
- The Dudley Group FT - Paediatric Virtual Ward - A Technological Innovation in Patient Care
- Frimley Health and Care ICS and Connected Care - Supporting Residents with Out of Hospital Care, Using Data Driven Digital Transformation
- Hywel Dda UHB - Remote monitoring and digital coaching reduces nurse visits and supports COPD care in the community
- Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Trust - Technology enabled multi-speciality acute virtual ward
- North West Ambulance Service - Electronic Patient Record Migration (from Windows to Progressive Web App)
- Whittington Health - Whittington Virtual Ward adopt technology enabled care to save thousands of ‘bed days’ for complex frailty patients
- Wirral University Teaching Hospital FT - Digitally Supported Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Service
- Improving Primary Care through Digital

WINNER: Brookside Group Practice - Maximising Capacity and Continuity in Primary Care
View winner's interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Modality Partnership - Opening the Digital Front Door to True Patient Demand
- Black Country ICB - Digital First Primary Care Programme
- Lingwell Croft Surgery - Total Digital Triage & Telephone Assist
- NHS England South East Region Primary Care Transformation Innovation Programme and Folkestone, Hythe and Rural PCN - NHS England South East Region Primary Care Transformation Innovation Programme and Folkestone, Hythe and Rural Primary Care Network Hub Pilot
- South Worcestershire Healthcare - Using digital software to improve patient care in lipid management
- Southport and Formby Health (Southport and Formby PCN) - Improving Access to Primary Care through GP Website Transformation
- Sunderland GP Alliance - Sunderland Patient Information Portal Project
- Improving Urgent and Emergency Care through Digital

WINNER: West Suffolk Hospital and Virtual Bones - Virtual Bones - Enhancing efficiency in musculoskeletal injuries management and referral pathway
View winner's interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Mersey and West Lancashire NHS Trust and Blüm Health - Mersey Burns: A Cutting-Edge Digital Platform Enhancing Urgent Care for Burns Patient Resuscitation
- Calderdale and Huddersfield FT - Same Day Emergency Care Project
- DHU Healthcare - Turning the tide; using 'eTriage' to eliminate queues, instantly differentiate the sickest patients and improve flow through Loughborough UTC
- North West Ambulance Service - Improving 111 Call Handling through Digital
- Royal Papworth Hospital FT - The Robot Made in Cambridge, Operating in Cambridge, and Improving Outcomes for Patients Across the East of England
- University College London Hospitals FT - Real-time Predictions of Emergency Bed Demand to Improve Patient Flow Information
- Urgent Health UK - UHUK Innovation Programme, in partnership with The University of Warwick
- Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh FT - Electronic SBAR
- Moving Towards Net Zero through Digital

WINNER: Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust - Leading the Way in Digitising Secondary Care Prescriptions for a Greener Future
View winner's interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust - Digital pathways to Net Zero: The Post Op App Revolution in Sustainable Healthcare
- Cumbria Health on Call - Health@Home
- Midlands Partnership University FT - Staffordshire Community Dental Services - Moving to Net Zero
- myHappyMind - myHappymind in Bradford District and Craven
- Optimising Clinical Pathways through Digital

WINNER: Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust and The Owl Centre - Hybrid Neurodiversity Assessments
View winner's interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust - Harrogate Post procedure Patient Innovation (HaPPI) – digital personalised videos after surgery
- Barking, Havering & Redbridge University Hospitals Trust - AF Stroke Prevention Hub
- Bradford Teaching Hospitals - Redesigning the Rheumatology Nurse Advice Line at Bradford Teaching Hospitals
- North West London Pathology - LIMS Standardisation and Transformation Programme
- Northern Care Alliance FT - Optimising Skin Cancer Care: Accelerating Referral-to-Diagnosis Time at The Northern Care Alliance in Collaboration with Open Medical
- Royal Free London FT - Implementation of an Automated Heart Failure Referral via Raised NTproBNP
- Sandwell and West Birmingham Trust - EQL Musculoskeletal digital triage and supported self-management
- West Yorkshire ICB - vCreate - Using digital innovation to provide quicker access to epilepsy care for CYP
- Reducing Health Inequalities through Digital

WINNER: North East and North Cumbria Child Health and Wellbeing Network NHS - Healthier Together Champions Supporting Access in Underserved Communities
View winner's interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Black Country ICB - The Population Outcomes Framework
- Children and Young People's North East and North Cumbria Diabetes Network - Ensuring equitable access to diabetes technologies for children and young people with diabetes across the North East and North Cumbria
- Slough Place, Frimley ICB - Using a population health approach to tackle health inequalities in Slough – The Multigenerational Outreach Programme
- Homerton Healthcare FT - Verbo- the online Speech and Language Therapy Toolkit for Children and Young People
- Isle of Wight Trust - Promoting physical health checks in mental health services
- myHappyMind - myHappymind in Bradford District and Craven
- South Tees Hospitals FT - Waiting Well South Tees
- Supporting Elective Recovery through Digital

WINNER: Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust - Harrogate Post procedure Patient Innovation (HaPPI)
View winner's interview here
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust - EQL Musculoskeletal digital triage and supported self-management
- Kettering General Hospital - Elective Recovery Reimagined using "Post Op App" : The Digital Evolution Unleashed
- Manchester University FT - Enabling the Development of an elective surgical hub at a multicentre organisation through digital workflows
- One Wirral CIC - Diabetes Prehabilitation Service
- Sussex Health and Care ICS - My Health and Care Plus
- Royal United Hospitals Bath FT - The Trust-wide rollout and implementation of a Patient Engagement Platform (PEP) to support elective recovery
- University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire Trust - Using AI and Design to improve patient flow in Outpatients
- University Hospitals of Leicester - Accelerating recovery and improving experiences for thousands of patients