Click on the tabs below to reveal the winning NHS teams and projects per category.
- Connecting Health and Social Care through Digital

WINNER: East Riding of Yorkshire Council - Digital Record Enabling and Management Support (DREaMS) Team
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Northampton Health FT, West Northamptonshire Council and North Northamptonshire Council - Remote Monitoring in the community
- Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes ICS - Digitising Social Care in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes
- Gloucestershire Hospitals FT - System Flow in Gloucestershire
- Hywel Dda University Health Board and Delta Wellbeing - Supporting elderly and vulnerable people to live independently in their homes.
- Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB - Lancashire and South Cumbria Shared Care Record (LSCSCR)
- Midlands Partnership FT, University Hospital of North Midlands Trust, Stoke-on-Trent City Council, MySENSE - High Intensity MySENSE Project
- NHS Arden & GEM CSU, Liverpool City Council - Finding a national solution to link adult social care and health data
- Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB - The Digital Catalogue
- Digital Clinical Safety Award

WINNER: North West Anglia FT and K2MS -Digital Maternity Specialists - Digital Fetal early warning score system (Digital FEWS) – Support to deliver Saving Babies’ Lives Care Bundle initiative in NHS
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital - Closed Loop Medications within a Specialist Trust
- Alder Hey Children's Hospital FT - Introduction of a paedeatric anaesthetic record
- Humber Teaching FT - Implementing Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) within a Partnership Provided Community Addiction Service
- Manx Care - SmartPage - digital communication and alerting
- North West Ambulance Service Trust and RLDatix - Increasing patient safety through digital risk management
- The Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust - Improving Patient Safety using Digital Innovation
- University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire Trust - Digitisation of the checking process for Cardiac arrest trolleys using My Kit Check
- Wrightington Wigan and Leigh Teaching Hospitals FT - Digital Innovation Projects and their Safe Implementation
- Digital Innovator of the Year

WINNER: Kumar Medical Centre and Frimley ICB - Reducing Health Inequalities in Slough
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Community Pharmacy Surrey and Sussex and NHS Sussex - AccuRx initiative: Increase collaborative working and identification of undiagnosed hypertension by utilising the NHS Community Pharmacy Blood Pressure Check Service
- Frimley Health and Care ICS - Digital Innovation in Emergency Departments: Redirecting Care with Connected Care Solutions
- Guy's and St Thomas' FT - A Framework for Rapid Development and Deployment of AI in Healthcare
- Liverpool University Hospitals FT - Patient Event Viewer
- London North West University Healthcare Trust - Digitally enabled LNWH Trust virtual ward programme
- Oxford University Hospitals Trust - Remote clinical management in rheumatology
- Royal Cornwall Hospital Trust - Implementing and Embedding Digital Healthcare on a Global Scale
- Sheffield Teaching Hospitals FT - Using Artificial Intelligence to Accurately Measure the Heart on MRI Scans
- Digital Leader of the Year

WINNER: Dr Mark Lyttle - University Hospitals Bristol and Weston FT
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Dr Tim Robbins - University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire Trust
- Prof Konstantinos Balaskas - Moorfields Eye Hospital
- Nicola Ridell - NHS Forth Valley
- Phil Holland - The Princess Alexandra Hospital
- Digital Literacy, Education and Upskilling Award

WINNER: Cardiff and Vale University Health Board - The NHS Wales University Eye Care Centre
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Wrightington Wigan and Leigh Teaching Hospitals FT - Digital Champions Training Programme
- DigitalHealth.London, operated by the Health Innovation Network with the support of partners including CW Innovation, Boehringer Ingelheim and many others - Digital Fellowship programmes: Empowering NHS staff to lead digital transformation
- Guy's and St Thomas' FT, Department of Clinical Scientific Computing - Fellowships in Clinical Artificial Intelligence
- Manchester University FT - Promoting Digital Literacy through Staff Engagement at Manchester Royal Infirmary
- NHS England and The Shuri Network - Digital Fellowships for BAME nurses and midwives
- North East and North Cumbria ICS - AHSN digital champions programme
- South Cheshire and Vale Royal GP Alliance & Howbeck Healthcare - HOW2 – Providing online training to maximise the use of digital solutions in primary care
- Surrey and Borders Partnership FT - Behind Every Product is a Person
- Digital Team of the Year

WINNER: University Hospitals Bristol and Weston FT - To Infinity and Beyond! – Digitising a Children’s Emergency Department, and interfacing partner services
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Digital Health and Care Wales - Welsh Nursing Care Record
- East Riding of Yorkshire Council - Digital Records Enabling and Management Support (DREaMS) Team
- Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB - Digital Adoption and Transformation of Regulated Care
- Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust - The EHR Development team - Leeds Teaching Hospitals
- Integrated Digital Service in support of Leeds City Council and Leeds Office of West Yorkshire ICB - Leeds City Digital Strategy 2022 to 2025
- NHS Scotland and RLDatix - Bring a digital revolution to Scotland
- The Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust - Digitally Enhancing Radiology for the future
- UHCW Trust - UHCW R&D Digital Delivery: The Digital & Data Driven Research Unit Team
- Driving Change through Data and Analytics Award

WINNER: Guy’s and St Thomas’ FT - Insight Led Care – Faster, Fairer, Better Healthcare through Digital
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Royal Free London FT - Patient Safety Dashboard
- Advancing Quality Alliance - Advancing Quality Programme
- Digital Health and Care Wales, and Welsh Value in Health Centre - NHS Wales Health Data Dashboards
- Moorfields Eye Hospital FT - Patient reported outcomes measures (PROMS) in the digital cataract service
- Portsmouth University Hospitals Trust and Allocate Loop - Introducing Allocate Loop to Portsmouth University Hospitals NHS Trust
- Provide Digital - The Smart Referral System
- Tees, Esk & Wear Valleys FT - Perinatal Mental Health Clinical Outcome Reporting
- The North West London Collaborative Staff Bank (ICH, CW, THH, LNW) and Patchwork Health - Harnessing data to drive effective ICS-wide staffing with the North West London Collaborative Bank
- Empowering Patients through Digital

WINNER: Portsmouth Hospitals University Trust and Concentric Health - Enhancing patient pathways and accelerating acute Trust elective recovery through the introduction of digital consenting
- Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board, Life Sciences Hub Wales, Huma - Digital-first cardiac care using remote patient monitoring
- Bradford Teaching Hospitals FT - Empowering Patients through the SPaRC App
- Chelsea and Westminster Hospital FT, Avegen and Viiv Healthcare - Klick - a digitally enabled nurse delivered service for HIV positive patients attending outpatient care
- Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust - Leeds Teaching Hospitals’ Virtual Fracture Clinic – empowering patients to manage their treatment plan and recovery
- Milton Keynes University Hospital FT and Induction Healthcare Group PLC - MyCARE PEP empowers patients to self-manage their healthcare resulting in 50% reduction in DNAs
- Northamptonshire Health FT and West and North Northampton Council - Remote Monitoring Northamptonshire
- South West London ICS, Health Innovation Network and Sweatcoin - 22 million steps towards Diabetes Prevention powered by Sweatcoin, In collaboration with the Health Innovation Network (South London AHSN)
- University Hospitals of Leicester Trust - Atrial Fibrillation Virtual Ward - the future of AF personalised care
- Enhancing Workforce Engagement, Productivity and Wellbeing through Digital

WINNER: North West Ambulance Service Trust - Building a Smart, Connected Ambulance Service
HIGHLY COMMENDED: NHS Elect, Critical Care Networks National Nurse Leads (CC3N), NHS England Technology Enhanced Learning (NHS TEL) - Digitising the Step 1 proficiencies – National proficiencies framework for registered nurses in adult critical care
- Cheshire and Wirral Partnership FT - Improving Staff Skills and Confidence Working with Complex Mental Health Difficulties
- NHS England and escalla - Handling Difficult Situations with Compassion: Caring for yourself and others
- NHS Lancashire Procurement Cluster - Releasing Clinical time back to patient care in the Emergency Department
- One Wirral CIC - StaffBox Rota
- Sheffield Children's FT and Tutum Medical - Enhancing workforce engagement through BEAMS alarm monitoring system
- Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent ICS People Function - Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent Health & Care Careers: Virtual Work Experience
- Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals FT and Patchwork Health - Unlocking flexible working through an innovative temporary staff bank solution at Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- Generating Impact in Population Health through Digital

WINNER: NHS Wales in partnership with The Institute of Clinical Science and Technology - The NHS Wales Digital Respiratory toolkit
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Frimley Health and Care ICS - Reducing Health Inequalities in Slough
- Barts Health Trust - Health Inequalities Dashboard
- Calderdale and Huddersfield FT - Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS FT's Population Health review and its impact on Health Inequalities
- Cheshire and Wirral Partnership FT, NHS Cheshire & Merseyside, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital FT and Liverpool John Moores University and Northwest CHD PPV Group - Using an innovative approach with data analytics to understand epidemiology & care needs of patients with congenital heart disease in Cheshire
- Health Economics Unit, Midlands Decision Support Network - Population Health Management online interactive training
- Hertfordshire & West Essex ICB and Optum UK - Development of the Hertfordshire and West Essex Segmentation Model and Outcomes Framework
- Leicestershire Partnership Trust - Healthy Together - Digital Health and Wellbeing Forms
- Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent ICB and MedOptimise Limited - Medicines Optimisation SLA Project using MedOptimise Digital Tool
- Improving Back-Office Efficiencies through Digital

WINNER: Portsmouth Hospitals University Trust - Portsmouth Hospitals Maternity Intelligent Automation Transformation Programme
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent ICS People Function - Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent Health & Care Careers: Virtual Work Experience
- Cambridge Community Services Trust and Provide CIC - Improving the use of Children's A&E Attendance Data & associated data flows
- East & North Hertfordshire Trust - Enquire - a game changer for back-office transactional HR
- Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust - Leeds Teaching Hospitals #alerts reporting system
- Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust - Digitisation of Outpatient Appointment Correspondence
- Mid and South Essex FT - MSEFT Access to Records Requester Portal
- South Cheshire and Vale Royal GP Alliance and Howbeck Healthcare - HOW2 – Providing online training to improve the use of digital solutions in primary care
- York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals FT and Patchwork Health - Streamlining workforce planning to reduce the administrative burden with York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Patchwork Health
- Improving Mental Health through Digital

WINNER: Mind Matters, Surrey and Borders Partnership FT and Limbic - Supporting referral and assessment in NHS Talking Therapy services: how Limbic and Mind Matters changed the patient pathway.
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Midlands Partnership FT - Improving Children and Young People's Mental Health Through The Sandbox
- Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health FT - Mood on Track - The Bipolar Service
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough FT - Rapid access to mental health care for healthcare workers boosted by digital
- Central and North West London FT with Oxehealth - Adopting non-intrusive monitoring technology to improve safety and care quality on mental health inpatient wards
- NHS Arden & GEM CSU, NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes ICS, and ShinyMind - The Shine programme: Improving the mental health and wellbeing of both patients and primary care staff
- NHS Somerset ICB - The Somerset Emotional Wellbeing Podcast
- North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare Trust - All Age Wellbeing Portal
- Southern Health FT - TREE; Reducing The use of REstrictive practices on psychiatric wards through Virtual REality immersive technology training: A Virtual Reality Feasibility Study
- Improving Out of Hospital Care through Digital

WINNER: Northamptonshire Health FT and North and West Northamptonshire Council - Remote Monitoring Northamptonshire
HIGHLY COMMENDED: West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership - West Yorkshire Integrated Care System 'Healthier Together' Digital Tool
- Digital Health and Care Wales, Cardiff University, Community Pharmacy Wales, Welsh Government - The Discharge Medicines Review (DMR) Service - Going Digital
- King’s College Hospital FT, South East London ICB, Lambeth Diabetes Integrated Care Team and Huma - Digital-first, remote blood-glucose-monitoring to facilitate safe early discharge and fewer readmissions to improve out-of-hospital care for people with type-2 diabetes
- Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB - Lancashire and South Cumbria Shared Care Record and Viewer
- LLR ICB and Spirit Health - Transforming patient care for over one million people across NHS Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland ICS through remote monitoring technology
- Midlands Partnership FT, University Hospital of North Midlands Trust, Stoke-on-Trent City Council, MySENSE - High Intensity Team MySENSE Project
- NHS Cheshire and Merseyside - Virtual Wards / Hospitals at Home
- Wrightington Wigan and Leigh Teaching Hospitals FT - WWL Virtual Hub
- Improving Urgent and Emergency Care through Digital

WINNER: NHS England - East of England, East of England Ambulance Trust, and East of England UCR Providers - Access to the Stack - Cleric Digital Portal Enabler for Transferring Patients to Urgent Community Response Teams
- Alder Hey Children's Hospital FT - Paedeatric Symptom Checker
- Imperial College Healthcare Trust and Chelsea and Westminster Hospital FT - Clinical messaging app
- L&SC ICB - Lancashire and South Cumbria Shared Care Record and Viewer
- Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Trust in collaboration with TeleTracking UK - MTW's Care Co-Ordination Centre: Underpinning the digitalisation strategy and structural reform
- Royal Berkshire FT - Digital Transformation of Acute Stroke Pathway Using Artificial Intelligence Decision Aid Tool
- Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent ICS and HN - Preventing 34% of A&E attendances and significantly reducing health inequalities using an AI guided clinical coaching programme
- University Hospitals of Leicester Trust - Atrial Fibrillation Virtual Ward
- Welsh Ambulance Services Trust & Terrafix Limited - Introduction, Deployment and Integration of the Terrapace electronic Patient Clinical Record into the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust
- Moving Towards Net Zero Through Digital

WINNER: NHS Wales in partnership with The Institute of Clinical Science and Technology - The sustainable inhaler prescribing toolkit
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Barts Health Trust and SedateUK - SEDlog: digitising sedation practice towards net zero
- Barts Heart Centre, St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Barts Health Trust - Digitalisation of Electrocardiograms (ECGs) at Barts Health Care NHS Trust: Service development from online requesting to delivering online ECGs at four large hospitals. “Every ECG – A Digital ECG”
- Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB - The move to Net Zero in NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria ICS in partnership with Redmoor Health
- Mobilityways - Mobilityways; Making Zero Carbon Commuting a reality
- North East London ICB and Medefer - Environmental sustainability through virtual care
- Royal Cornwall Hospital Trust - Implementing and Embedding Digital Healthcare on a Global Scale
- Optimising Clinical Pathways through Digital

WINNER: Chelsea and Westminster Hospital FT, Preventx, Lloyds Pharmacy Online Doctor and the City of London Corporation - Sexual Health London
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Royal Berkshire FT - Digital Transformation of Acute Stroke Pathway Using Artificial Intelligence Decision Aid Tool.
- Calderdale and Huddersfield FT and The Health Informatics Service - Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS FT's EMIS/ Cerner Integration Project
- Frimley Health and Care ICS - Digitally Led Hypertension Care
- Hywel Dda University Health Board - Virtual Orthopaedic Prehabilitation- optimising elective care pathways through digital solutions
- Moorfields Eye Hospital FT - Digital Cataract Service - Modernising the management process of the oldest eye disease
- NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and Lenus Health - Transforming COPD care with data and AI - The DYNAMIC Project
- North and South London Cardiac Operational Delivery Networks - Deployment of a pan London Cardiac elective care virtual ward
- Sheffield Teaching Hospitals FT - Using Artificial Intelligence to Accurately Assess the Heart on MRI Scans
- Reducing Health Inequalities through Digital

WINNER: Midlands Partnership FT - Reducing Health Inequalities through the Sandbox Digital Mental Health Platform
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Frimley Health and Care ICS - Reducing Health Inequalities in Slough
- Calderdale and Huddersfield FT - Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS FT's Population Health review and its impact on Health Inequalities
- Frimley Health and Care ICS - Digitally Led Hypertension Care
- HEAL-D in partnership with the Health Innovation Network - Healthy Eating and Active Lifestyles for Diabetes (HEAL-D) Online for adults of African or Caribbean heritage
- NHS England (London Region), iPLATO, North of England CSU - Reducing inequalities in cervical cancer incidence and mortality through GP endorsed Cervical Screening SMS RemindersLondon
- NHS Health Call and AHSN North East and North Cumbria - Reducing the Physical Health Gap for people with Severe Mental Illness through digital innovation
- North Middlesex University Hospital Trust - Closing the gap between glycaemic control and health inequalities in Paediatric Diabetes
- People Unlimited in partnership with Health Education England - Crisis Tools Guides for supporting young Black men
- Replicating Digital Best Practice Award

WINNER: LLR ICB and Spirit Health - From pilots to pioneering partnerships: Scaling up virtual wards to transform care across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland ICS
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Sheffield Children's FT - Sheffield Children's Digital Resource Library
- Association for Perioperative Practice - Surgical Skin Prep Decision Tool
- Barts Health Trust and SedateUK - SEDlog app: moving from paper to digital sedation logbook
- Gloucestershire Hospitals FT - Electronic Prescribing at Gloucestershire Hospitals
- NHS England - NHS England Reproducible Analytical Pipelines Rollout
- NHS Health Call - Digital Care Homes
- North West Anglia Foundation Trust and K2MS Digital maternity specialists - Digital Fetal early warning score system (Digital FEWS) – Support to deliver Saving Babies’ Lives Care Bundle initiative in NHS
- Surrey and Borders Partnership FT - Improving handover practice for Home Treatment Teams using an SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) integrated into the Electronic Health Record
- Supporting Elective Recovery Through Digital

WINNER: Cheshire and Merseyside ICS and C2-Ai - Globally unique AI-backed system supporting prioritisation based on clinical risk - reducing emergency admissions by 8% and saving 125 bed-days/1000 patients
HIGHLY COMMENDED: North and South London Cardiac Operational Delivery Networks - Deployment of a pan London cardiac elective care virtual ward
- Calderdale and Huddersfield FT - Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS FT's Patient Prioritisation through M-page
- Gateshead Health FT - Digital Portfolio to support Breast Services Elective Recovery
- Guy’s and St Thomas' FT - EndominerAI - A NLP based automator for guideline-based prediction of follow up endoscopies for patients with Barrett's oesophagus.
- Hywel Dda University Health Board - Virtual Orthopaedic Prehabilitation- optimising preoperative care through digital solutions
- London North West University Healthcare Trust - Supporting Elective Recovery through Digital Pre-Operative Assessment
- Mid and South Essex FT - eConsult - Virtual Outpatient Platform
- University Hospitals of Leicester Trust and Accurx - Simple tech to slash waiting lists