Empowering patients through digital 
Empowering Patients through Digital 

Empowering patients is a key focus of the NHS as it continues to adapt and evolve in response to the increasing demands on healthcare services. With the government's commitment to improving health outcomes, there is a strong emphasis on equipping individuals with the resources they need to make informed decisions and personalise their healthcare experiences.

The NHS is actively promoting the use of digital tools that enable patients to monitor their health, navigate the healthcare system effectively, and manage appointments independently. Digitally empowering patients also frees up time for staff to interact with patients with more complex needs, reducing pressure on the system.

This award recognises teams and projects that successfully transition patients from being passive recipients of care to engaged participants in their health outcomes. Judges will look for digital initiatives, solutions, and services that drive tangible improvements in access, patient experience, and health outcomes. Strong evidence of co-production with patients and service users will be crucial, demonstrating how their feedback has shaped the development and implementation of these innovations.


  • All NHS organisations (including providers, partnerships and systems), General Practice and primary care organisations.
  • Evidence must relate to a project, ongoing or completed within the 2 years up until the award entry deadline.


  • Outline the scope of the project – what were the aims, why was a digital project required, and what strategic thinking or planning was carried out before bringing technology to the table?
  • Define the intended goals and measures of success.
  • Discuss how the risks of exclusion or exacerbating inequalities were considered in the design and development of the project, product or service, and mitigations were put in place.


  • Share how either the project/product was seamlessly developed and deployed whilst retaining the existing service to minimise disruption to patients and staff, or if a new area, how patients and staff were on-boarded to ensure a seamless go-live.
  • Evidence performance against the success measures and targets mentioned above, including relevant clinical, operational and financial metrics.
  • Share how the project, product or service has provided patients with better access to data or information on their care.


  • Discuss how the digital product or service has enabled patients to be more proactively involved in their care and improve outcomes
  • Share how the patient and staff experience has improved as a result of the digital project, product or service, and provide testimonial evidence to support these claims
  • Share any other value generated, including unintended benefits, of the digital project


  • Describe and provide testimonial evidence of the working relationship between the technology partner (if relevant) and the NHS organisation that enabled a genuinely co-produced product or service.
  • Share how all relevant staff were engaged in the design and implementation of the project, product or service.
  • Explain how patients, service users or the community were involved in the design, planning and implementation of this project, product or service.


  • Describe, and, if possible, evidence how the learnings from the project or product/service development have been shared across and beyond your organisation or system.
  • Discuss the scope for further replication or scaling up of this project, product or service in other settings.

To find out more

Partnership opportunities:  Sponsorship Sales Team
Awards entry enquiries: Delegate Sales Team
Judging and event management: Awards Support