Driving Change through Data and Analytics Award  
Driving Change through Data and Analytics Award  

The NHS generates a vast amount of data which, when effectively collated and analysed, can drive significant improvements in patient care and service delivery. In the current climate, the need for robust data management and insightful analysis has never been more critical. Initiatives like the Federated Data Platform (FDP) are emerging to support this need, with 70 trusts expected to adopt localised instances by the end of this year and plans to expand further in 2025 .

The ongoing emphasis on consistent national data reporting and analysis is pivotal in enabling teams across the NHS to leverage their data assets for actionable insights. By harnessing data effectively, healthcare professionals can improve patient outcomes, improve operational efficiency, and address systemic challenges within the health service.

This award will celebrate those harnessing the power of the data they hold to bring about positive change in the delivery or planning of care, or a substantial improvement in patient outcomes. Winning projects will showcase the successful implementation of new systems or processes driven by analysis and insight.


  • All NHS organisations (including providers, partnerships and systems), General Practice and primary care organisations.
  • Evidence must relate to a project, ongoing or completed within the 2 years up until the award entry deadline.


  • Describe the scope of the project – where did the data come from, how was it collated and analysed to drive business impact?
  • Explain the project drivers– was the analytics project the result of a specific operational or clinical need, or did insights gleaned from data analysis result in a request for change?
  • Define the intended goals and measures of success.


  • Share with supporting information the outcome of the analysis, and what process, service or pathway change recommendations were made to operational/clinical colleagues as a result.
  • Evidence the performance of the project and resulting process changes against targets, including any operational, on-time delivery, or clinical metrics.
  • Discuss any financial impacts of the project, including evidence relating to value for money.


  • Discuss the benefits realised by the analytics project, both intended and unforeseen, and how that value has been capitalised on
  • Evidence any beneficial impacts on staff and patients as a result of the project. This could be quantitative or qualitative.


  • Describe and provide testimonial evidence of the working relationship between the technology partner (if relevant) and the NHS organisation that enabled a genuinely co-produced product or service.
  • Share how data was shared effectively across differing departments to drive the project forwards.
  • Explain how buy-in and engagement was sought from both the stakeholders contributing data and those who were beneficiaries of the project, in the co-design, planning and implementation of the analysis or business change.


  • Describe and if possible, evidence how the learnings from the project have been shared across or beyond your organisation/system.
  • Discuss the scope for further replication or scaling up of this project in other settings.

To find out more

Partnership opportunities:  Sponsorship Sales Team
Awards entry enquiries: Delegate Sales Team
Judging and event management: Awards Support