Digital Leader of the Year  
Digital Leader of the Year  

How to apply

Entries are now closed

As evidenced by the herald of 2022 as the Year of the Digital Profession, anyone can display digital leadership. Digital leaders are able to influence others on the importance of digital skills, technologies and the creation of a learning culture that increases adoption of technologies to successfully transform services for patients and staff. They are strategic, display clear vision, and always keep the patient or user at the heart of design.

Not limited solely to the leaders of IT/digital departments, this award will recognise an individual that has played a key role in creating an environment or culture that has enabled successful digital transformation across the NHS or wider system.


  • Nominations (including self-nominations) can be for those displaying strong digital leadership across any NHS organisation or setting
  • Evidence must relate to the 2 years up until the award entry deadline


  • Describe how the nominee has created a clear, ambitious and well-reasoned vision for their team or department, that links back to the wider digital vision of the organisation/system, or the national digital vision
  • Outline any targets set by the nominee in delivering on that vision, and the plans or roadmap to deliver these
  • Discuss how the nominee engaged with colleagues, stakeholders and patients in developing their vision and planning to ensure inclusivity and deliver user-centric products or services


  • Evidence how the performance of the team/organisation/system has improved as a result of the actions of the nominee. This should be both qualitative and quantitative, and make reference to the targets above
  • Provide examples of specific digital initiatives, products or projects that the nominee has introduced and how they have positively impacted patients and staff
  • Discuss how the nominee has influenced or improved the culture of the organisation/system


  • Discuss how the digital leadership of the nominee has helped improve patient experience, staff satisfaction, the working environment, and/or efficiency
  • Evidence how the nominee has helped improve digital literacy across your organisation or system’s leadership and/or wider workforce – this could be qualitative or quantitative
  • Share any other benefits the actions of the nominee have delivered within your organisation/system


  • Provide testimonial and/or supporting evidence of how the nominee has engaged differing teams across the organisation with the digital agenda
  • Share how the nominee has included and involved patients, families and/or communities in their digital initiatives and planning
  • Judges are looking for an individual who has created an inclusive culture, in which staff feel able to question the status quo, raise concerns and make suggestions for improvement


  • Describe how the nominee has inspired and helped develop a digital culture across your organisation/system, providing specific examples of how they have directly influenced the behaviour of colleagues
  • Discuss any training the nominee has delivered to colleagues across the organisation/system, and the impacts of this on digital adoption and performance
  • Share how the nominee has looked beyond the organisation/system to share knowledge and experience with others

To find out more

Entries, attendance and sponsorship enquiries, contact Faysal Chaudhry   020 3510 7110
Media and marketing enquiries, contact Rebecca Bright 0207 608 9056
Judging and event management, contact Awards Support 0207 608 9086