Connecting health and social care through digital 
Connecting Health and Social Care through Digital 

A key priority within the Digital Health and Care plan is for each ICS to offer their local population a life-long, joined up health and social care record by March 2025, in which both clinical and non-clinical teams across health and social care settings will be able to access and input data, ultimately benefiting both the citizen and the providers delivering care.

Whilst this is still an ambition for many, across the country significant results are already being driven through joining up data and services at a neighbourhood, place or system level to improve care delivery for local populations.

This award will recognise the teams connecting health and social care to improve experience and outcomes for local citizens. Judges will be particularly interested in examples bringing together multiple partners to improve the quality of care, and that clearly evidence co-production across health and social care, with staff and patients/citizens fully engaged in project planning.


  • All NHS organisations (including providers, partnerships, and systems), General Practice and primary care organisations, and their social care or local authority partners.
  • Evidence must relate to a project, ongoing or completed within the 2 years up until the award entry deadline.


  • Describe how information sharing or joined-up work between health and social care was managed prior to any improvements, and therefore the context and need for the project – why was a digital solution required?
  • Share any preparation that was done in terms of converging processes or optimising clinical models across the differing parties involved before looking to digitise or connect services.
  • Outline the targets set to measure the effectiveness of the digital product, project or service, and the steps put in place to achieve them.


  • Evidence the performance of the project against targets, including any operational, on-time delivery, or clinical metrics.
  • Discuss how the challenge of differing digital maturities across different organisations was overcome, to enable a single source of truth.
  • Share with supporting information how the project has enabled better patient or population care, and/or improved allocation of resources.


  • Provide testimonial and if possible quantitative evidence to display how joining up care through the sharing of information has been of benefit to both the patient experience and the ability for staff to deliver improved care.
  • Evidence any financial benefits, cost-savings or efficiencies of delivering the project – to what extent can it be considered value for money across the system?
  • Discuss any other benefits realised by the project, product or service, both intended and unforeseen, and how that value has been capitalised on.


  • Describe and evidence the working relationship between the technology partner (if relevant), the NHS organisation and any other partner within the system that enabled a genuinely co-produced product or service.
  • Explain how buy-in and engagement was sought from both the stakeholders contributing data and those who were beneficiaries of the project, in the co-design, planning and implementation of the project – this should include patients/citizens as well as relevant staff.
  • Share how data was shared effectively across differing organisations to drive the project forwards.


  • Describe and if possible evidence how the learnings from the project have been shared across or beyond your organisation/system
  • Discuss the scope for further replication or scaling up of this project in other settings

To find out more

Partnership opportunities:  Sponsorship Sales Team
Awards entry enquiries: Delegate Sales Team
Judging and event management: Awards Support